(Note: These are excerpts from the original newsletter that was published on this date. The Queen's Own address has been updated. The current President of Queen's Own is Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn. For more information, see http://www.dragonlordsnet.com/qo.htm.)
[Begin Excerpt]
Ok, new releases are getting slim! Thanks to the Teri at Firebird Arts for allowing me to reprint some of the "Ask Misty" column found on the Firebird website!!
Q: For Misty: Will there be sequels planned to the Mage Storms series, as I'd like to find out what happens to Karal, Elspeth, and the rest.
A:There won't be any DIRECT sequels (main characters in the Mage Storms as main characters in subsequent books) but you will find out what's going on with "old friends" in future books---some information is in OwlSight, for instance.
Q: I understand and accept that there will never be another Diana novel (sigh). However, I've seen a list of previously published Diana Tregarde short stories, mostly from obscure 'zines, mostly never reprinted. Is there any chance that a Diana story collection will ever be published, to reprint all the stories in one accessible volume? (Surely there's a small press or two that would be thrilled to publish this, even if mass market publishers are uninterested.)
A: All the PROFESSIONAL Diana Tregarde short stories have been reprinted in two collections from Baen FIDDLER FAIR and WEREHUNTER. The non-professional fanfiction stories are not fit to be reprinted.
Q: I was going through Amazon.com this evening. They've listed one of your forthcoming books called "The River's Gift," and say it will be out in October of '99. I don't see anything about it here, and can't find any more info online. So . . . what will it be about? :) (And, by the way, I'm looking forward to more Valdemar books!)
A: The River's Gift (which I preferred to call The Wild Swan) is one of those fancy "gift" books they've been doing lately--it's a novella in small hardback form, made for gift-giving. Anne McCaffrey has done a couple of them and they asked me to do one as well.
Q: Werehunter introduced me to S'Kitty (and S'cat). What plans, if any, are there for a full length novel on these engaging felines?
A: None at the moment, but you never know.
Q: Will you be writing more stories that have Shay'a'chern hero's as main characters like Vanyel? Granted that having too many Gay hero's may be frowned upon by some (maybe most), but it can also teach those who don't understand it, to at least better tolerate it. To Love is still Love, by whatever creed, race, religion, or sexual preference.
A: What, you think Firesong is chopped liver? He seems like a main character to me! Nine books the man is in already!
Q: After all the problems that you have gone through with, crazed fans believing in your writings, was it worth it? Would you do it again? Should I be worried that if I became a writer would I go through the same heartache? 5/30/99
A: By far and away, the vast, vast majority of our fans are such incredibly fine people, conscientious, compassionate, and caring, that the only possible answer is that without a doubt it is worth it.
As for others experiencing the same headaches . . . well, it is a fact of life that anyone in the public eye these days has a chance of attracting a lunatic. One of the professors at Rogers College attracted a dangerous stalker--all the more dangerous because he was local and knew exactly where she lived--just because she had a half-hour show on the college TV station about creative writing! And the only reason he DIDN'T kill her was because he murdered his mother first and was caught!
Yes, it could happen. If you happen to be male, Marty, the chances of it happening to you are substantially reduced. The thing to do is to study stalkers--you could do a lot worse than read Gavin De Becker's books--and educate yourself. You'll be able to see the danger signs and protect yourself before things enter a risky stage. Forewarned is definitely forearmed.
Firebird Arts and Music carries all of Misty’s books and lots of other merchandise. From Babylon 5 soundtracks to Larry’s art prints. From the music of Frank Hayes to porcelain jewelry. From kits for plastic knights to Robin Hood characters to doll-size costume patterns for Heralds & Shin’a’in. From Oneida Indian Nation T-shirts to Celtic design gift wrap. Visit their website at http://firebirdarts.com. If you want a "real" catalog, send $3 to Firebird Arts & Music, PO Box 3068, Portland OR 97294-3268.
To place an order, call 1-800-752-0494. For more information, please use 1-503-255-5751. Firebird does not answer inquiries from prison addresses.
Also new from Firebird is an e-mail list for Misty fans, to keep you up-to-date on the latest news. If you would like to be included, send your email address to Teri: firebird@firebirdarts.com. |
For news about TEMPEST, visit their web page http://darkmoon.simplenet.com/tempest. You can send e-mail to Lief and the other band members at tempest_rock@hotmail.com.
[Ed. note 2002: Old text replaced with: "For definitions of our fannish jargon, read the 12-page booklet "Pros & Cons: An Introduction to Fandom" written by Elizabeth Barrette. Send $1.00 and a $0.34 stamp (or $1.00 and 2 IRCs) to Queen's Own, P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA, 92652. Make checks payable to "Linda Malcor" in US funds only.
| Flights of Fantasy [Ed. note 2002: Old contact information withheld.] specializes in new and used science fiction & fantasy, mystery & suspense, romance books, role-playing, tabletop gaming and collectible card games. Owner Maria Perry will do special orders in any genre. Looking for a special book? Give Maria your want list--she’ll do her best for you! For orders outside the 518 area code, call [Ed. note 2002: Old contact information withheld.]. Webpage http://www.fof.net, E-mail: fof@albany.net. Flights of Fantasy accepts orders from inmates.
Sink or Swim is a helpful guide for aspiring editors, based on the experiences of past and present editors. It costs $1.50 for a copy. Checks should be made payable to Aurora Nelson. Email: temarrea@Yahoo.com, or write Sink or Swim C/O Aurora Nelson [Ed. Note 2002: Address withheld.].
Looking for stationery supplies that mirror your love of sword and sorcery? Questing for the perfect gift for that fantasy enthusiast in your life? Then give Ellen Million Graphics and her band of artist a try! We are your complete source for quality FANTASY STATIONERY! Discover the power of the "Sorceress" and drown in the dark "Bloodfest"; bask in the moment of "Precious Serenity", warmed by the softest "Butterfly Kisses"; enjoy a ride on the "Dragon Sled" while the pegasus are "Soaring", and find "Peace on Earth" with "The Christmas Unicorn" and "Betrothed Warriors". Recoiled products in B&W, single or full color. No SASE needed, just write and ask for your first FREE catalog! Custom work availableif you can dream it, we can draw it. Send inquiries to: Ellen Million Graphics, [Ed Note 2002: Ellen Million Graphics can now be found at http://www.ellenmilliongraphics.com.]. (Dealer inquiries welcome)
[Ed. Note 2002: Personals have been withheld from the online version of this newsletter because of the private information they contained.]
Note from the Editor-
Well, I’ve received ONE submission for the Logo contest (Thank you, Herald Alora!). I need more. I’ve also received many good ideas for the newsletter, some of which I can implement, others I just can’t. (Case in point being publishing the newsletter on a monthly basis, even if I had the content to fill the space, I would have to raise dues.) So, please keep your ideas and artwork coming in. I know with school, I’ve been really late replying to some of you and I’ve called in reinforcements to help out on that score! Everyone please give a warm Valdemaran welcome to Corie!! She will be my righthand where Queen’s Own is concerned, so please treat her nicely! ::grin:: Thanks again for your understanding.--Robin
I am still taking suggestions. I have some wonderful responses, but I haven't heard from enough people to justify a majority! Please write me or e-mail with any suggestions, comments or concerns as soon as possible.
I am still looking for artwork and a new Queen's Own Logo. Please send all artwork to the Queen's Own PO box and label the envelope "Artwork". I'm hoping to have some stationary, bookmarks, postcards and whatever else takes my fancy!! Your editor and president ~ Robin |
Other Fandoms
[Ed. Note 2002: Old pricing and contact information withheld. See below.]
Next mailing date is October 9, 1999. Deadline for submissions is September 30, 1999. The earlier the better.
Queen’s Own - Merging of the Ways is the official Mercedes Lackey Appreciation Society. Our purpose is to share our enjoyment of Misty’s Worlds. we are a fan-run-not-for-profit organization, not a business. [Ed. Note 2002: Old address withheld.] This newsletter is published to inform and entertain the club’s membership; no infringement of anyone’s copyrights is intended.
Last issue mailing day helper in May was Jason Hoff. (If you would like to help on mailing day, please call me at [Ed. Note 2002: Phone withheld.], all help is greatly appreciated!)
Border art & all other art--(Please send more border art!!)
Editor and President - Robin Ready [Ed. Note 2002: Contact info withheld.
[End Excerpt]
Queen's Own is the official Mercedes Lackey Appreciation Society. Our purpose is to share our enjoyment of Misty's worlds. We are a fan-run not-for-profit organization, not a business. Our address of publication: P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA 92652 USA. This newsletter is published solely to inform and entertain the club's membership; no infringement of anyone's copyrights is intended.
Newsletters are published on (or near) the first of each month.
Editor/President Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn (L.A. Malcor; AOL-IM SN Shashtah; Legend@malcor.com)
The featured artist for this edition of the newsletter was uncredited. If you have a clue whom it was, please contact Herald-Mage Adept Danya at Legend@malcor.com. If you would like your art to be featured in the online version of the QO newsletter, send .gifs or .jpgs to Legend@malcor.com or hardcopy to Queen's Own, P.O. Box 749, Laguna Beach, CA 92652.
Mercedes Lackey does not receive mail at the Queen's Own address. Fanmail to Mercedes Lackey and releases for fan fiction should be sent to:
Mercedes Lackey
c/o High Flight Arts and Letters
P.O. Box 2970
Claremore, OK 74017
Herald-Mage Adept Danya Winterborn